Saturday, July 20, 2013

Tar & Cookies

Yesterday we had a crew come up to re-tar our parking lots here at Aspen Grove. Since our apartment is sitting right on top of a parking lot, we decided it would be a good idea to spend the night down in Orem. So... when we came home today, we had fresh black top waiting right outside our door for us. It looks great! But... it doesn't smell great. And since we use a swamp cooler to cool down our house, which basically just blows air in from outside, I knew we were in for a stinky afternoon. After all, it is the middle of July. And not running the cooler is not really an option right now.

So I decided I needed to make cookies to help mask the Tar smell. Great idea, right? Maybe not so much. As soon as I started baking, I realized that I was going to have to turn the cooler on because the oven was heating up the house. So now, my house smells like Tar Cookies. Sounds gross, right? I promise they taste good! The problem is, now that they are finished baking, the tar smell is starting to overpower the cookie smell. Hmm, what else can I bake to make my house smell great?

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