Rule #1- ALWAYS be prepared with treats and snacks. The girls ALWAYS get a half-time healthy snack, and an after-game treat. Each Mom is assigned one of these tasks throughtout the season, but if by chance someone happens to forget, it's best to come prepared with a little something or you will have a ravaging pack of pit bulls (who are hungry) to contend with, begging for their snacks! It's almost more important than the actual game. (This rule typically applies to practices, as well.)
Rule #2- ALWAYS bring a stroller for younger kids, and for purposes of toting all your piles of stuff to the field. It's amazing how much STUFF you need for one 6-year old soccer girl, and two babies... just for an hour! The stroller also conveniently doubles as a restraining device for over-anxious little boys who want to run onto the field, and into the goal, and chase Big Sister's soccer ball!
Rule #3- ALWAYS bring plenty of water. And sunscreen. And and umbrella. And a chair to sit on. And a blanket for the babies. And snacks. And... And... And... well, just refer to rule #2 here.
Rule #4- ALWAYS recruit back-up help for younger siblings who will not stay put. Option: bring a leash to tie them in the stroller. Plan for lots of whining and protesting, but be prepared with a triple supply of baby bottles. That should do the trick.
Rule #5- ALWAYS go potty before the game starts! Especially when the nearest bathroom is 4 soccer fields away from your field and you forgot the stroller for the babies!
Rule #1- NEVER bring a dairy product for the half-time snack. The girls (and the Mom's!) found out the hard way that Go-Gurt, and Chocolate milk, make for a really bad half-time snack. The girls were all doubled over with stomach pains when trying to run after inhaling such yummy tasting (and healthy) snacks, which did indeed cause stomach cramps.
Rule #2- NEVER forget the water bottle! Nuff said here.
Rule #3- NEVER leave only 15 minutes to get to the game from a distance that requires at least 45 minutes to get there. True, the game will always start late... but, Always plan on road construction... this is Utah, and there will always be a detour!!
Rule #4- NEVER forget the stroller! Nuff said here, too.
Rule #5- NEVER leave the uniform or practice bag containing shoes and shin guards at home. Period. Paragraph.
Here we are, sitting (THANKFULLY!!) under a much-appreciated cloud cover at the quarter break. When did I actually get a chance to sit? The "photographer" had a break in the action to chase after Little Man & let me sit for a moment.
You just gotta love the Game Face on this little girl. She really gets passionate about the game!
There's something else she gets passionate about. Scoring a....
And, here we have the Cheering Section. Can't believe I actually got them to sit still for 15 seconds to get a picture. Actually, Daddy was the photographer in this game and did an amazing job. While I chased the kids around. But the photos are definitely priceless! As far as becoming the perfect Soccer Mom goes... well, I think I need a few more years of practice. I mean, we don't even own a tent to set up on the sidelines, or even a humongous umbrella or shade canopy, or a portable barbecue grill yet. Still working on it!
1 comment:
I love it! You are the best soccer mom already! I love Aspen's Game/goal face- ahhhahahaha Thanks for the rules- I'll make sure and print them out for next year :)
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