Thursday, October 6, 2011

A new project

A few weeks ago while surfing through all my favorite blogs, I came across a very new & interesting idea for using up scraps when quilting. I find that I tend to be quite the scrap-aholic, and that doesn't apply just to pasting photos on paper & making them cute... it applies to my hearty fabric addiction as well.

I'm very intrigued by this new idea that I found out about, but not entirely sure how to start it. It seems to be one of those projects that comes without instructions and very few rules, because it is a make-it-up-as-you-go type of project. It is called Crumb Quilting. Basically, you take that bag of bits & pieces of fabric that you have been saving because: 1) you are too cheap to throw ANYTHING away when sewing, and 2) you just couldn't bear to part with even an inch of that absolutely adorable new fabric you bought & didn't quite use up in your last quilt. So you take those pieces and just start sewing them together. In no particular order or fashion. And when you are done, it looks

Suffice it to say that although I have MUCH less time for quilting, now that summer is over and I am now back in "bus driver Mom" mode, I'm still finding a few hours a week here and there to throw some stitches out with my machine. I am very intrigued to start this crumb quilt, what with all the many scraps I have accumulated. Here is a sneak peek of what a crumb quilt, finished, looks like:
Here are a few other pictures, just to get your wheels turning. I don't know how to make a link to their sites, but I pulled these images off Google Images & tried to give credit where it is due:
Aren't they so pretty? These types of quilts come in all shapes, sizes, and patterns, and no two are exactly alike. So I am excited to see what my pile of scraps will turn up! Oh- and just so you know, this project will most likely take me a few years, at least! I'll try to update you on my progress as it happens.

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