Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Ever feel like you just kinda drop off the face of the earth for a while? I feel like that, especially when it comes to my blogging world. It all began last spring, when I unintentionally abandoned my sewing machine and craft room to sunny days outside with my little man. He was old enough this summer that he wanted to be outside all the time- playing on the Romper Lawn, at Cowboy Village, and especially at the Mini-Golf! There were times when I was inside doing something, and I would turn around to look for him, only to find the front door open and him MIA... only to be found playing Mini-Golf. So, I took advantage of the warm, sunny days to be outside with him while the girls were at their Age Group classes. Then, summer ended and school started. Thus began another daily driving routine for me: leave the house at 8:20, drop Aspen off at the bus at Sundance, drive down to Harmon's parking lot and drop Madi off at her bus, then head over to the house in Orem for about 30-45 minutes. Then, off to the gym for 90 minutes. Then back to Orem house for a shower & a few games of Words with Friends, then back in the car again to pick Madi up and head home. Most days, I arrive home at 1pm. Then my afternoon routine starts: lunch, dishes, and naps (if I am lucky!).

Top that off with a mild sinus infection. Just found out today I need to be on anti-biotics. Hmm. That could explain the stuffed-up head I've been getting every night for the past 2 weeks, and the extra tiredness. Fortunately, I have been able to rest up a bit while the kids either take naps, or create nice messes for me to clean up when I wake up. Madi's thing lately is that she loves to climb up onto the table, and throw all the papers, etc. off. Or, sometimes she doesn't even bother to climb up there- she is getting tall enough to just reach up and grab stuff. And throw it on the floor. Sometimes, I feel like all I do is walk around behind her, picking up everything that she throws down. If only I could keep everything out of her reach that she is not allowed to grab. I need 5-foot high countertops, shelves, and a table. That would work! Tysen's big thing lately is cars. Cars everything. And he loves to sing. It's adorable! We've been listening to a lot of Christmas music on our drives in the car, and he will randomly start singing various Christmas songs in his room or while he is playing. His favorites right now are The Little Drummer Boy, and Frosty The Snowman. Aspen, like always, is my proficient reader. She is a very good reader and will read for hours at a time. I need to get her some more chapter books. She currently loves The Magic Treehouse, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

Jim is still plugging along with his Biology class. I think that doing it Independent Study has been more difficult than we thought it would be. Especially when his test material doesn't match up to his study material. That is frustrating for him. But I am proud of him and am hoping he will get the Anatomy class he is trying to get for next semester. We both understand that doing just one class at a time is going to take much longer than we want, so we are looking at options within about a year of having him do school full-time for a year (hopefully it will only take that long to finish the pre-req's) and then applying to PA school. I really hope he can get into a school out here in the West, like the one up in Pocatello Idaho, but the good thing about it, is that PA school is only 2 years. Then, hopefully, we will end up back in this area permanently.


Herry and Jayley said...

As an FYI from someone in PA school-I highly recommend taking immunology (I wish I had!). It'll help a lot.

Susan said...

Wow! Yours is a busy household, but I'd MUCH rather be busy than bored! I miss you and the fam and am really proud of Jim for going back to school so that he could do something that he really enjoys! You guys are the BEST!