Saturday, August 30, 2014

It has begun!!

This is what I have been up to this week:

 Pears and peaches to come next week!

And this is what else we've been doing...

Tysen and Aspen started soccer last week. It's so fun to go to their games and watch them play! Aspen's team plays by actual rules, and it is fun to watch her learning the different positions and getting better at them. Tysen's team focuses on just kicking the ball the right direction- and he is actually a pretty good little player! If anyone wants to come to a game, they are on Wednesday nights at 5pm for Tysen and Thursday nights at 6:30 pm for Aspen, then both of them play on Saturday mornings at 11:30. I didn't get any pictures of Aspen's first game, but here are some blasts from the past that are fun:

 "When I grow up, I wanna be...."

 Playing goalie like Daddy!

...and my all-time favorite...

1 comment:

The Perry Family said...

Oh my goodness! I love those faces....especially Aspen's! Don't mess with her. :) Miss you!