Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas with the Fam

December 25-27, 2011. Stromness Family Reunion at Aspen Grove.

Group Shot. 


 Our little family.

Me, with Mom & Dad & sisters.

I've been really bad at keeping up on my blog. Haven't had much time to sit at the computer, I guess. That's not necessarily a bad thing, right? December was busy, but fun. Kind of a roller-coaster for me. Christmas was great. We woke the kids up in the morning to come open their stockings. Then we had our traditional Christmas Morning breakfast, then got ready to go to church. The kids had to wait until after church to open their gifts under the tree... and surprisingly, they handled the wait very well! It helped to teach them that we were going to Jesus's house on Christmas Morning, since it was his Birthday we are celebrating. Mom and Dad arrived last night, so they enjoyed the Christmas festivities with us. It was really fun having them here for opening gifts.

My entire extended family consisting of my Parents & 3 sisters with their families came here on Christmas afternoon. After opening our gifts, we packed up and headed to Aspen Lodge. Just across the street, but when the whole sha-bang comes to your door, you end up having to pack twice as much stuff, for some reason. It took me 3 carloads to get all of our stuff over there. We had a great time. My entire family does not all get together very often, so it was great... although occasionally emotional & dramatic. That's what family is for, right? Considering my Mom's difficult health situation and other issues in the family, I'm so grateful that this reunion was even able to take place. It's nice to have a resort-like facility at your disposal, too!

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