Thursday, June 2, 2011


We counted this as our Memorial Day visit, even though this one happened in April. We sure miss our little guy!
Me & Madi at his bench. It is almost filled completely now with names. James is on the second row, right behind Madi, about half way down. I love it that someone thought to include him- it's such a special tribute.
My "Little Helper." This is a routine we go through at least once a day... T is soooooo helpful!
Summertime is finally here! I can't believe what a wet, cold, snowy couple of months we have had. Much more than usual. In fact, it snowed again all day on Monday up here, but fortunately the weather warmed back up so that I could weed my garden downtown today. I'm happy to report that it did NOT get washed away in all the rain as I thought it might- and I have little green sprouts poking up through the earth already! So far, my lettuce, peas, some squash, carrots, and just today I saw beans and potatoes poking up. For my first ever gardening endeavor, I call that a successful start! Let's hope we get something good out of this garden.
After tomorrow, all I can say is that I am SOOOO glad I won't have to toss all the kids into the car every morning to drive them to school. We have put 15,000 miles on our car since buying it last August. That is a lot of driving! We're still throwing around the idea of trading it in for a Yukon. I miss the extra space, and since it really doesn't do much better on gas mileage, we just might opt for the extra space. We'll see.
And, the best news of all is that Family Camp started yesterday. Wa-Hoo!! Aspen has been dying to go back to Age Groups, and I'm looking forward to doing lots of projects around the house this summer- namely, quilts and catching up on scrapbooking. And it's great to have a break from cooking every day, I tell ya! Even if we eat the same thing all the time! (We usually do that at home anyways...)

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